Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Target Outing

So, we are in the midst of potty training Elias. He is doing really well but I am still a bit reserved about going out and having him w/out a pull up on so that will be our next step. The other day while we were shopping in Target, Elias said he had to go #2. (TMI, im sorry) So, I said lets hurry and go to the bathroom. He said, "no, Mom, I don't need to go anymore-Im just going to hide." Well, you know what that means- poo poo in the diaper! So I said "no, lets go Elias to the potty, Mommy will go too!" So, we ran to the bathroom and just as he was getting himself on to the potty, he fell backwards, lost his grip and fell right in!!!!! I have kind of turned into a gerb phobe since having Elias, so it almost repulsed me-luckily, he hadent gone potty yet!!!! Water from the toilet was all on his back and his legs flew straight up in the air. It was one of the cutest moments ever. I started to laugh and he looked at me like, dont laugh at me. I asked him if he thought that was funny and he said no. lol. It was really cute. Until next time.....


Alison said...

Keri, I'm so excited you started a blog... It will help me keep up on your life since I haven't seen you in so long! I would've paid some good money to see Elias fall in the toilet- the way you described it sounds like it was hilarious. He is one good looking kid!